November 30, 2017

Temple Screenshots Post 3: Bow Your Head and Say Yes

I'm going to do a series of #iWatchedTheTempleVideos posts on all of my social media accounts. Each one will have a screenshot (from one of the videos from Mike Norton's NewNameNoah YouTube channel), a link to the video where the screenshot is from, and a little message about how temple stuff was hidden from me as a Mormon child. 

I was born a Mormon. I didn't know that part of the temple endowment involves bowing your head and saying yes (to promises that you didn't know you were going to be making) until I saw the NewNameNoah YouTube videos when I was 21.

This link jumps to the point in the video where I got this screenshot:

November 24, 2017

Temple Screenshots Post 2: The Law of Consecration

I'm going to do a series of #iWatchedTheTempleVideos posts on all of my social media accounts. Each one will have a screenshot (from one of the videos from Mike Norton's NewNameNoah YouTube channel), a link to the video where the screenshot is from, and a little message about how temple stuff was hidden from me as a Mormon child. 

I was born a Mormon. I didn't know that Mormons promise to give everything to the church until I saw the NewNameNoah YouTube videos when I was 21.

This link jumps to the point in the video where I got this screenshot:

I had always heard that the Law of Consecration you read about in the Doctrine and Covenants was just one of those weird things that happened in the past (like polygamy) that you didn't have to worry about any more. That was back in the days when the early saints gave everything to Joseph Smith and the early church. They even gave him their buildings and land (see D&C sections 41 and 42).

I had no idea that this was the promise that all of the LIVING temple-going Mormons in my life had made in the endowment session of the temple:

"You and each of you covenant and promise before God, angels, and these witnesses at this altar, that you do accept the law of consecration as contained in this, the book of Doctrine and Covenants, in that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion." - Mormon Temple Endowment 

The One Mission for Every Mormon Girl

Do Mormons still teach girls that being a stay-at-home mom is the most important thing they can be?

I was born in 1992. When I was getting ready for college, I got a letter from Harvard asking if I wanted to apply (I wasn’t sure if I could actually get in, but I wish I had at least applied!), and when I talked to my dad about it he said stuff about how it’s not just the education, but it’s about the possibility that you’ll marry someone you meet at college, and what do you want that to look like?

BYU ended up being the only school I applied to… What would be the point of going to another school that didn’t have RM’s for me to marry?

I chose to get an accounting degree that I hated rather than going into science because when I talked about it with my parents (my mom never went to college, my dad has an MBA) we all decided that it would offer better options for me as a stay at home mom…

I don’t even want kids. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was living the life “God” wanted me to live.

So add all that on top of my mom teaching me that I promised to God, before I was even born, that I would have children (I think she got that idea from the temple), and on top of all the Young Women’s lessons on being a good mom and putting children and family above everything else and making lists of what my perfect husband would be like.. I would say yes, at least in my case, I was definitely taught that the stay-at-home path was the righteous path for me as a woman and that it was the most important (if not the only) thing I should be focusing on in my life.

November 15, 2017

Temple Screenshots Post 1: Green Aprons, Baker's Hats, Robes and Veils

I'm going to do a series of #iWatchedTheTempleVideos posts on all of my social media accounts. Each one will have a screenshot (from one of the videos from Mike Norton's NewNameNoah YouTube channel), a link to the video where the screenshot is from, and a little message about how temple stuff was hidden from me as a Mormon child.

I was born a Mormon. I didn't know they wore green aprons, baker's hats, robes and veils in the temple until I saw the NewNameNoah YouTube videos when I was 21.

This link jumps to the point in the video where I got this screenshot: