- No mandatory reporting of sexual abuse.
- Members are taught to pay tithing money even if they can't feed their own children.
- No disavowal of white supremacists like Brigham Young. Racism, sexism, and bigotry.
- They teach people to ignore and suppress negative emotions rather than process them.
- They threaten you with eternal damnation and loss of your eternal family if you don't comply.
- Local bishops make you comply by threatening to take away your temple recommend.
- Members are taught to pay tithing money even if they can't feed their own children.
- No disavowal of white supremacists like Brigham Young. Racism, sexism, and bigotry.
- They teach people to ignore and suppress negative emotions rather than process them.
- They threaten you with eternal damnation and loss of your eternal family if you don't comply.
- Local bishops make you comply by threatening to take away your temple recommend.