June 04, 2023

The Mormon church is an abusive cult.

- No mandatory reporting of sexual abuse.
- Members are taught to pay tithing money even if they can't feed their own children.
- No disavowal of white supremacists like Brigham Young. Racism, sexism, and bigotry.
- They teach people to ignore and suppress negative emotions rather than process them.
- They threaten you with eternal damnation and loss of your eternal family if you don't comply.
- Local bishops make you comply by threatening to take away your temple recommend. 

April 03, 2023

Yes, marital rape is a thing.

Yes, marital rape is a thing.

I did not enjoy my honeymoon. I had never learned to say no to sex. My freeze and fawn responses were alive and well.

Admitting that that was rape has taken me years.


I experienced marital rape because I was raised as a Mormon girl.

I was taught that women have to earn the fidelity of a husband and OWE him sex.

She is responsible for fulfilling his sexual desires.

Bishops are known to BLAME WIVES for a husband's infidelity.

I was never taught to say no.

What else would you expect. Mormonism was founded by rapist men who practiced predatory polygamy.

To be clear: when I say I experienced marital rape, that does not mean my husband is a rapist. I  married him because I think he is very good about consent and I felt comfortable with him.

It was not his fault that I felt obligated to say yes to sex on our honeymoon. 

I blame Mormon social pressure and cultural expectations about honeymoons for that. If I had not been brainwashed and groomed, I might have been able to clearly communicate the "no" I was feeling.

March 29, 2023

You don't owe anyone your discomfort. It's ok to leave people who make you uncomfortable out of your life.

 In other news, I had to leave another family chat because of all of the religious chatter... It's so hard sometimes, but it's a really important boundary for me to stick to for my own mental health. 

March 08, 2023

March 03, 2023

Mandate Clergy Reporting, Utah!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Salt Lake City, UT


Mormonism taught me contention was of the devil because if I had been taught to listen to my anger and discomfort I wouldn't have been so easy to manipulate.

You know who doesn't like anger? The people in power who benefit from oppression and the silence of victims.

There should be more anger in the world.

As I see it, we allow the wrong people to be angry.

Oppression exists, abuse exists, extortion exists, manipulation exists.

Yet often it is the perpetrators of aggression who express anger while the victims are expected to stay quiet. 

Predatory polygamy is a foundation of Mormonism. It explains SO MUCH.

 -Temple marriage secrecy.

-Joseph Smith's unpopularity.

-The migration to Utah.

-How generations of creepy old Mormon men got away with HAVING CHILDREN WITH TEENAGERS decades younger than them.

-Bishop's interviews allowing sexual questioning of teenagers one on one.

-Protection of sexual predators rather than victims.

-Systematic cover up of sexual abuse  

Used to have nightmares about being shouted down from the sacrament meeting pulpit for talking about problems with the church.

Those nightmares have stopped ever since I started posting to social media more.

I feel like I have a voice here.

Thanks for listening.   

Mormon Church fined by the SEC for hiding it's money

The Mormon church is NOT honest. 

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its investment arm have been fined $5 million for using shell companies to obscure the size of the portfolio under church control, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced."

Link to the AP news story.

February 07, 2023

Endowment has changed, but Mormon temple consent is still a joke.

 I wish I were happy about the endowment change, but I'm not.

Temple prep is still a joke.

That's where things should be explained, not on the day of!

People are under so much pressure to stay in the temple and bow their heads and say yes...

Mormon temple consent is a joke.

I think the church is afraid to provide actual informed consent about the temple because they know people wouldn't go if they knew what they were getting into.

They're banking on social pressure to keep people going because that's the currency cults run on. 
"I have to go through the weird ritual or I will be a disappointment to everyone!"

"I won't get into heaven unless I am obedient and jump through every hoop the group asks me to."

"I have to do the weird thing or else what will everyone think of me??"

Cult tactics 101.

January 19, 2023

My Grandma died. Mormonism is everywhere around me while we plan the funeral.

I'm playing a primary song at my grandma's funeral this weekend.

I'm so triggered and sad and numb.

This is my grandma with prominent polygamist ancestors.

She was molested by her grandfather.

Mormonism is woven into everything in this funeral.

I'm having a hard time.